Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Bridges between AI and Design

Listening to a GDC Radio podcast of "AI and Design: How AI Enables Designers" by Brian Reynolds from Big Huge Games. Talks about how designing AI influences game design concepts.

First notion: start somewhere, even if it's just x = rnd(3). Then you can at least get feedback for next iteration:
"AI was dumb because he did X when he should do Y"
Then it's easy to go from there.

Examples of AI influence design:
In Civ, player's able to make and break treaties at will with no influence to other factions. Soln is to make a reputation guage - this affects design.

In Colonization (?) he talks of being able to make a treaty, and walk your troops in without computer noticing. It had no way of knowing. Design element soln: you can't put your troops within 2 squares of opponents.

Only halfway done.

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