Sunday, May 17, 2009

I have Tivo, but I may still watch commercials

One of the major changes you hear about in advertising nowadays is that Tivo is breaking the standard tv advertising model. Tivo users blow past the ads so companies are trying to find other ways to reach consumers. Product placement, little on-screen overlays that run while you're watching your show, even ads in Tivo's pause menu.

But what I realized tonight while watching a string of SNL episodes is that as speed past the commercials, things will catch my eye and I'll go back and watch the entire commercial. Mini cows getting herded by midgets? Guy rubbing some grandma's foot? Conan running full suit on the beach? Subway car explosions? While I'm running past the commercials, these things catch my eye and I either go "wtf?" "that looks funny" or "that looks awesome" and go back.

So in MY case, I think the consumer has just gotten smarter at zoning out the crappy ads that viewers 10 years ago had no choice but to watch. Don't pour out cereal and tell me how nutritious it is, or claim I'm in good hands when bad things happen in my life. BORING. I am now recognizing I treat commercials as entertainment.

With Tivo I only watch shows I want to watch. With Tivo I also only watch commercials I want to watch - but I do in fact watch them. Advertising can be so well done that it makes me want to watch it! Someone's doing it right.

Alison on the other hand - she gets made when I make her go back ;-)

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